EVidence-Based & proven effective

Yoga is a Therapeutic Intervention

Yoga is for the HEART

Allow yourself to find your center. Connect to the Kingdom of Heaven within until you never forget God lives there. So you are always filled with Love.

Yoga is for the MIND

Experience the mental clarity, improved decision-making and wisdom mind accesses through the practice of yoga. It reduces symptoms of many mental health conditions.

Yoga is for the BODY

The physical benefits of yoga are well-known as it improves the functioning of the body, reduces tension in the muscles, and has positive effects on the nervous system.


As an ancient science, yoga is widely known for it's benefits that help people feel more balanced, experience a better quality of life, and promotes mind/body/spirit wellness. 

Today, yoga is accepted by medical and mental health communities as an evidence-based therapy that can help: 

  • Calm the Nervous System

  • Improve Concentration and Lead to Mental Clarity

  • Integrate Mind & Body for more Emotional Control

  • Find Purpose and Deeper Meaning in Life

  • Be More Present for Better Relationship with Self & Other

When Yoga is skillfully applied as a therapeutic intervention in individual and group therapy, clients can experience a reduction in mental health symptoms and other conditions, such as:

  • Stress and Anxiety

  • Depression and Fatigue

  • Addictions and Cravings

  • Compulsive Behaviors

  • Obsessive Thoughts

  • Low Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

  • Lack of Motivation and Direction

  • Chronic Pain


Private Therapeutic Yoga Sessions are offered

  • for clients who prefer one-to-one sessions instead of groups

  • for clients who like to combine both private and group sessions

  • for clients with social anxieties that make it difficult to participate in groups

  • included as a part of clients' Personal Inner Renovations Project

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